Category Archives: Analisa Teknikal


Williams %R

Williams %R was developed by Larry Williams to indicate overbought and oversold levels. The indicator is very similar to Stochastic %K – except that Williams %R is plotted using negative values ranging from 0 to -100.

The number of periods used to calculate Williams %R can be varied according to the time frame that you are trading. A rule of thumb is that the indicator window should be half the length of the cycle (14 days is popular for the intermediate cycle).

Overbought and Oversold levels are normally set at -20 and -80.

Trading Signals

Ranging Markets

Use trailing buy- and sell-stops, to enter and exit trades, and protect yourself with stop-losses.

Long signals:

  1. Go long on bullish divergence or failure swing;
  2. Go long when Williams %R falls below the oversold level.

Short signals:

  1. Go short on bearish divergence or failure swing;
  2. Go short when Williams %R rises above the overbought level.

Example 1

Johnson and Johnson is displayed with 7 day Williams %R.


  1. Mouse over chart captions to display trading signals.
  2. Place a trailing buy-stop when Williams %R falls below the oversold line. We are stopped in [L] when price rises above the previous day’s High. Protect your position with a stop-loss below the recent Low.
  3. Place a trailing sell-stop when %R rises above the overbought line. We are stopped in [S] when price falls below yesterday’s Low. The position is stopped out [X] on the following day when price rises above the recent High.
    %R rises above the overbought level. Place a trailing sell-stop. A bearish divergence supports the signal.
  4. A triple divergence adds further support for the short position.
  5. Place a trailing buy-stop when %R falls below -80. When stopped in [L], place a stop-loss below the recent Low.
  6. Place a trailing sell-stop when %R rises above -20. When stopped in [S], place a stop-loss above the recent High.
  7. Place a trailing buy-stop: the oversold signal is strengthened by a bullish divergence.
  8. Place a trailing sell-stop.
  9. %R falls below the oversold level: place a trailing buy-stop. A failure swing is completed when %R rises above the level of the intervening peak.
  10. Another signal to go short. Place a trailing sell-stop. We are stopped in 5 days later when price falls below the previous day’s Low.
  11. Protect your position with a stop-loss above the recent High.

Trending Markets

It is advisable to use a longer Williams %R period or some other form of smoothing to reduce volatility and false signals.
Signals should only be taken when there is clear evidence that the trend has reversed. One method of doing so is to wait until %R crosses the -50 level:

  • Go long when %R falls below the Oversold level then rises above -50.
  • Go short when %R rises above the Overbought level then falls below -50.

Alternatively, use a trend indicator for trend direction and exit signals.

Example 2

Johnson and Johnson with 30 day exponential moving average (MA) and 14 day Williams %R: The chart shows a fairly strong up-trend, suitable for trading with %R trend signals.

  1. Go long [L]: Williams %R rises from the oversold level to above -50.
  2. Go short [S] when %R falls below -50 from the overbought level.
  3. Go long [L] when %R rises above -50 from the oversold level.
  4. Go short [S]
  5. Go long [L]
  6. Go short [S]
  7. Go long [L]

Note that we are whipsawed fairly frequently if MA is used as the trend indicator, even with closing price as a filter.


The default Williams %R window is 14 days, with overbought/oversold levels of -20% and -80% respectively. To alter the default settings – Edit Indicator Settings.


  1. The first step is to decide on the number of periods (%R Periods) to be included in the calculation. This can be varied between 5 and 21 days, based on the time frame that you are analyzing.
  2. Calculate %R, by comparing the latest Closing price to the range traded over the selected period:

HC = Highest High [in %R Periods] – Close [today]
HL = Highest High [in %R Periods] – Lowest Low [in %R Periods]
%R = HC / HL * -100

The formula is similar to Stochastic %K, the difference being that CL is used in place of HC above.

CL = Close [today] – Lowest Low [in %K Periods]

Views – 221


Stochastic Oscillator

The Stochastic Oscillator was developed by Dr. George Lane to track market momentum.

The indicator consists of two lines:

  • %K compares the latest closing price to the recent trading range.
  • %D is a signal line calculated by smoothing %K.

The number of periods used in the indicator can be varied according to the purpose for which the Stochastic Oscillator is used:

Purpose: %K Periods %D Periods  Overbought level  Oversold level Comments
Combine with trend indicator 5 to 10 days 3 days 80% 20% Very sensitive
Stand-alone or trade longer cycles 14 or 21 days 3 days 70% 30% Only shows important turning points

Slow Stochastic incorporates further smoothing and is often used to provide a more reliable signal.

Stochastic Oscillator Trading Signals

If the Stochastic Oscillator hovers near 100 it signals accumulation. Stochastic lurking near zero indicates distribution.

The shape of a Stochastic bottom gives some indication of the ensuing rally. A narrow bottom that is not very deep indicates that bears are weak and that the following rally should be strong. A broad, deep bottom signals that bears are strong and that the rally should be weak.

The same applies to Stochastic tops. Narrow tops indicate that the bulls are weak and that the correction is likely to be severe. High, wide tops indicate that bulls are strong and the correction is likely to be weak.

Ranging Markets
Signals are listed in order of their importance:

  • Go long on bullish divergence (on %D) where the first trough is below the Oversold level.
  • Go long when %K or %D falls below the Oversold level and rises back above it.
  • Go long when %K crosses to above %D.

Short signals:

  • Go short on bearish divergence (on %D) where the first peak is above the Overbought level.
  • Go short when %K or %D rises above the Overbought level then falls back below it.
  • Go short when %K crosses to below %D.

Place stop-losses below the most recent minor Low when going long (or above the most recent minor High when going short).
%K and %D lines pointed in the same direction are used to confirm the direction of the short-term trend.
Lane also used Classic Divergences, a type of triple divergence.

Trending Markets

Only take signals in the direction of the trend and never go long when the Stochastic Oscillator is overbought, nor short when oversold.

Use trailing buy- and sell-stops to enter trades and protect yourself with stop-losses.


If %K or %D falls below the Oversold line, place a trailing buy-stop. When you are stopped in, place a stop loss below the Low of the recent down-trend (the lowest Low since the signal day).


If Stochastic Oscillator rises above the Overbought line, place a trailing sell-stop. When you are stopped in, place a stop loss above the High of the recent up-trend (the highest High since the signal day).


Use a trend indicator to exit.

Stochastic Example

The Slow Stochastic Example illustrates the trading signals. This study focuses on the trailing stop entry technique used in a trending market.


ntel Corporation is shown with a 21 day exponential moving average (MA) and 7 day Stochastic %K and %D. The MA is used as the trend indicator with closing price as a filter.

  1. %K falls below 20. Place a trailing buy-stop just above the day’s High of $33 1/2.
  2. Move the buy-stop down to $33, above the High of day 2.
  3. Move the stop down to above the High of day 3.
  4. Move the stop down to $32 1/2 – one tick above the High on day 4.
  5. The day opens with a new Low of $31 3/8 and then rises until we are stopped in at $32 1/2. Place a stop-loss below the Low (i.e.. the lowest Low since day [1]). Thereafter, price falls back to the day’s Low, but fails to activate the stop-loss one tick below.
  6. Exit when price closes below the MA.

Stochastic Oscillator Setup

See Indicator Panel for directions on how to set up an indicator. The default settings are:

  • %K – 5 days
  • %D – 3 days
  • Both are calculated using simple moving averages
  • overbought level – 70%
  • oversold level – 30%

Stochastic Oscillator Formula

To calculate the Stochastic Oscillator:

  1. The first step is to decide on the number of periods (%K Periods) to be included in the calculation. The norm is 5 days, but this should be based on the time frame that you are analyzing.
  2. Then calculate %K, by comparing the latest Closing price to the range traded over the selected period:
    CL = Close [today] – Lowest Low [in %K Periods]
    HL =Highest High [in %K Periods] – Lowest Low [in %K Periods]
    %K = CL / HL *100
  3. Calculate %D by smoothing %K. The original formula used a 3 period simple moving average, but this can be varied, based on the time frame that you are analyzing.

Views – 294

Slow Stochastic

The Slow Stochastic applies further smoothing to the Stochastic oscillator, to reduce volatility and improve signal accuracy.

Trading Signals

Trading signals are the same as for the Stochastic oscillator.

Ranging Markets

Signals are listed in order of their importance:

  1. Go long on bullish divergence (on %D) where the first trough is below the Oversold level.
  2. Go long when %K or %D falls below the Oversold level and rises back above it.
  3. Go long when %K crosses to above %D.

Short signals:

  1. Go short on bearish divergence (on %D) where the first peak is above the Overbought level.
  2. Go short when %K or %D rises above the Overbought level then falls back below it.
  3. Go short when %K crosses to below %D.

Place stop-losses below the most recent minor Low (or above the most recent minor High) when going long (or short).

Trending Markets

Only take signals in the direction of the trend and never go long when Stochastic is overbought, nor short when oversold.

The shape of a Stochastic bottom gives some indication of the ensuing rally. A narrow bottom that is not very deep indicates that bears are weak and that the following rally should be strong. A broad, deep bottom signals that bears are strong and that the rally should be weak.

The same applies to Stochastic tops. Narrow tops indicate that the bulls are weak and that the correction is likely to be severe. High, wide tops indicate that bulls are strong and the correction is likely to be weak.

Use trailing buy- and sell-stops to enter trades and protect yourself with stop-losses.


If the Stochastic (%K or %D) falls below the Oversold line, place a trailing buy stop. When you are stopped in, place a stop loss below the Low of the recent down-trend (the lowest Low since the signal day).


If Stochastic rises above the Overbought line, place a trailing short stop. When you are stopped in, place a stop loss above the High of the recent up-trend (the highest High since the signal day).


Use a trend indicator to exit.


Johnson & Johnson is plotted with a 21 day exponential moving average (MA) and 5 day Slow Stochastic with %K and %D. Overbought/oversold levels are set at 70/30. Closing price is used as a filter on the MA.


  1. The market is trending upwards (price above the MA). %K twice crosses to above 80. Wait until the MA turns down before going short [S].
  2. %K crosses to below 20. Go long [L] when the MA turns upwards. Exit [X] when price closes below the MA.
  3. %K crosses to below 20. Go long [L] when the MA turns upwards.
  4. Price has been fluctuating around the MA which indicates that the market is ranging. Adjust the trading signals and overbought/oversold levels.
    Go short [S] when %K crosses to below % D. The trade is stopped out by a rally above the last minor High.
  5. A bearish divergence on %D signals to re-instate the short [S] position.
  6. %K crosses to above %D, signaling to go long [L].
  7. %K signals to go short [S] when it crosses below %D.
  8. A bullish divergence on %D signals to go long [L].
  9. %K rises above 70 and turns back below. Go short [S].
  10. There is a bullish, triple divergence on %D. Go long [L].
  11. %K crosses to below % D. Go short [S].
  12. Go long [L] when %K crosses to above %D. The market is still ranging, with price fluctuating around the MA.

Remember that the days shown are the signal days and that trades are only entered on the following day. Take a look at the exit [X] from [2]. Adjusting Stop Levels may provide faster exits.


See Indicator Panel for directions on how to set up an indicator. The default Slow Stochastic settings are:

  • %K – 5 days
  • %K slowing periods – 3 days
  • %D – 3 days
  • All are simple moving averages
  • overbought level – 70%
  • oversold level – 30%


To calculate the Stochastic Oscillator:

  1. The first step is to decide on the number of periods (%K Periods) to be included in the calculation. The norm is 5 days, but this should be based on the time frame that you are analyzing.
  2. Then calculate %K, by comparing the latest Closing price to the range traded over the selected period:
    CL = Close [today] – Lowest Low [in %K Periods]
    HL =Highest High [in %K Periods] – Lowest Low [in %K Periods]
    %K = CL / HL *100
  3. Calculate %D by smoothing %K. The original formula used a 3 period simple moving average, but this can be varied, based on the time frame that you are analyzing.

Slow Stochastic Oscillator
Many traders find the Stochastic Oscillator too volatile and prefer to use the Slow Stochastic:

  1. The %K [Slow] is equal to the %D [Fast] from the above formula.
  2. The %D [Slow] is calculated by smoothing %K [Slow]. This is normally done using a further 3 period simple moving average.

Views – 362


Gaps occur when the lowest price traded is above the high of the previous day or, conversely, when the highest price traded is below the previous day’s low.


A gap is filled when the range of subsequent bars closes the gap.

filled gaps

There are two basic rules:

  • Avoid trading common gaps, and
  • Only trade gaps when they are confirmed by volume.

Equivolume charts highlight the interaction of price and volume.

Common Gaps

common gaps

Common gaps occur in markets without a strong trend. They are not followed by new highs or new lows and are quickly closed in subsequent days’ trading.
Some gaps are caused by events and should be ignored:

  • Ex-dividend gaps occur as price adjusts on the day after a dividend becomes payable;
  • New share issues; and
  • Expiry of futures contracts.

Breakaway Gaps

breakaway gaps
Breakaway gaps are normally accompanied by heavy volume and occur when prices break out of a trading range. They are usually followed by a series of new highs in an upside breakout or, a series of new lows in a downside breakout, and are seldom closed.

Trading Rules

Upside Breakaway

  • If the gap is accompanied by heavy volume, go long and place a stop-loss at the lower end of the gap.

Downside Breakaway

  • If the gap is accompanied by heavy volume, go short and place a stop-loss at the upper end of the gap.

Continuation Gaps

continuation gaps

Continuation gaps occur near the middle of strong trends and are useful in projecting how far the trend will continue. They are followed by new highs in an up-trend or new lows in a down-trend, which distinguishes them from exhaustion gaps. They are not normally closed.

Trading Rules

If volume is strong (up at least 50%), trade as for breakaway gaps. Enter the trade early and wait for new highs (or new lows in a down-trend) to confirm the pattern. If there are none in the next few days then exit immediately — it could be an exhaustion gap.

Exhaustion Gaps

exhaustion gaps

Exhaustion gaps occur at the end of a strong trend and are the last surge before the trend expires, normally on heavy volume. They differ from continuation gaps in that they are not followed by new highs (in an up-trend) or new lows (in a down-trend) and are closed shortly afterwards.

Trading Rules

Upward Exhaustion Gap

  • Sell short (or close your long position) and protect yourself with a stop above the last high.

Downward Exhaustion Gap

  • Go long (or close your short position) with a stop below the latest low point.

Island Clusters

island cluster reversal2

Look out for island clusters, identified by an exhaustion gap followed (after a few days) by a breakaway gap in the opposite direction, they are powerful reversal signals.
Trading Rules

Trade in the same way as exhaustion gaps.

Views – 871

Commodity Channel Index

The Commodity Channel Index measures the position of price in relation to its moving average. This can be used to highlight when the market is overbought/oversold or to signal when a trend is weakening. The indicator is similar in concept to Bollinger Bands but is presented as an indicator line rather than as overbought/oversold levels.

The Commodity Channel Index was developed by Donald Lambert and is outlined in his book Commodities Channel Index: Tools for Trading Cyclic Trends.

Trading Signals

Commodity Channel Index is best used in conjunction with trailing buy- and sell-stops.

Ranging Market

  • Go long if the CCI turns up from below -100.
  • Go short if the CCI turns down from above 100.

Trending Market

Divergences are stronger signals that occur less frequently. They are mostly used to trade intermediate cycles.

  • Go long on a bullish divergence.
  • Go short on a bearish divergence.



IBM Corporation with 14 day Commodity Channel Index. The days shown are the signal days. Trades are entered using trailing buy- and sell-stops on the day following.


S1: Go short – Commodity Channel Index turns down above the overbought line. This trade is stopped out at the rally before S2.
S2: Go short – bearish divergence. This trade is stopped out during the rally before S3.
S3: Go short – bearish triple divergence.
L1: Go long – Commodity Channel Index turns up from below the oversold line. The next day closes below the low of the signal day, causing the trade to be stopped out. A trailing buy-stop would stop us back in two days later.
S4: Go short – Commodity Channel Index turns down above the overbought line.
L2: Go long – Commodity Channel Index turns up from below the oversold line.
S5: Go short – Commodity Channel Index turns down above the overbought line and bearish divergence occurs.
L3: Go long – Commodity Channel Index turns up from below the oversold line and bullish divergence occurs.
?: The market is now trending (evidenced by the break above the previous high).
Do not go short when Commodity Channel Index turns down above the overbought line – wait for a bearish divergence.
S6: Go short – bearish divergence.
S7: Even stronger signal – bearish triple divergence


The default Commodity Channel Index is set at 20 days with Overbought/Oversold levels at 100/-100. To alter the default settings – Edit Indicator Settings.

Views – 271