OSK - Technical Analyzer_FKLI FCPO_20140103_RHB Retail Research
Trading sentiment indicates buyers and sellers reservations at higher and lower levels respectively. The major trend direction is still considered up as most technical indicators shows, until opposed by new major bearish fundamentals.Nearest strong underlying support is seen at RM 2,620 while a breakout above resistance at RM 2,669 by the close will signal further upward momentum potential.
Today’s market view: Price may take a short dip and consolidate sideways within the range of the support and resistance level indicated above in an upside bias.
FCPO Daily Commentary - FCPO030114
- Ada gaps jam 10.30 pg
- ada Signifikan Candlestick 11.35 – 11.40 . hala jatuh sebanyak 8 point.
Views – 132
Commentary 030114
OSK - Technical Analyzer_FKLI FCPO_20140103_RHB Retail Research
Today’s market view: Price may take a short dip and consolidate sideways within the range of the support and resistance level indicated above in an upside bias.
FCPO Daily Commentary - FCPO030114
Views – 132